
Iglesia Católica San Francisco Javier

4501 W 5215 S, Kearns UT 84118


Horarios de Misa


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Bienvenidos a la Iglesia de San Francisco Xavier

La Misericordia de Dios es para todos

Nuestra comunidad de fe le da la bienvenida a usted y a su familia.

Únase a nosotros para adorar, orar y aprender.

Nuestro objetivo es servirle a través de este medio. Queremos que sea lo más fácil y sencillo para usted. Aquí están los siguientes enlaces útiles.Horario de oficina

Oficina Parroquial Lunes—Jueves 9:00am—3:30pm

Educación Religiosa Viernes 9:00 am-1:00 pm, Sábado y Domingo 10:00 am-2:00 pm.

​Horario de misas

Sábado - 5:00pm Inglés | 6:30pm Español

Domingo - 7:30am Español| 9:30 am Inglés | 11:00 am Español | 1:00pm Español

Misa entre semana en Inglés: de lunes a viernes a las 11:00 a. m., excepto los martes a las 9:00 a. m.

Misa entre semana en español - lunes, martes y miércoles   6:00pm


Confesiones | Lunes y Martes 3:30pm - 4:30pm

Rosario | 25 minutos antes de cada misa en inglés y español. (entre semana y fines de semana)

Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento - Lunes, Martes y Miércoles 11:30 am - 5:45 pm


1ro de Abril - Servicio Penitencial de Cuaresma a las 6:30pm

Via Crucis - Rezo del Vía Crucis todos los viernes de Cuaresma

5:30pm en Ingles y 7:00pm en español

Sopa, 6:15pm en el gimnasio.

Próximos Eventos

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    Iglesia: Confesiones

    Lunes y martes 15:30 h.

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    Iglesia: Misa en inglés

    Sábado 5:00 p. m. - Domingo 9:30 a. m.

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    Iglesia: Misa en español

    Sábado 18:30 - Domingo 7:30, 11:00, 13:00

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    Gimnasio: Bingo

    Debido a obras, el bingo se pospone hasta nuevo aviso.

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    Gimnasio: Desayuno Español

    Por el momento no hay desayunos.

Noticias y perspectiva católicas

30 de noviembre de 2023
by OSV News (OSV News) — Grace Stecker of the Diocese of Helena, Mont., pulled out her cell phone and called her dad, right in the middle of a talk during the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC). In fact, teens all around her were talking on their phones, even as the speaker stood on the stage. But they had his permission. “I want you right now, in one minute, to just make a call to somebody in your life whom you love, who’s pretty special, whom you appreciate,” Scripture scholar and astrophysicist Father John Kartje asked of the more than 12,000 NCYC participants. The request came as part of his talk on the oneness of God and the universe — faith and science — that served as the topic of the opening session of NCYC in Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis on Nov. 16. He began the talk echoing words spoken by Archbishop Charles C. Thompson just moments before. “The line that really struck me amongst everything he said is this,” Father Kartje noted: “You’re not a problem to be solved, but you are a mystery to be encountered.”
30 de noviembre de 2023
by Katie Yoder Joseph Julián and Monique González still remember the moment they decided to write a book shedding new light on Our Lady of Guadalupe: May 10, 2016, the month of Mary and the date of Mexico’s Mother’s Day. “After years of initial research, we were sitting in a coffee shop and looked at each other and made a formal commitment to see the book’s writing through to the end, no matter what that meant,” the husband-and-wife team told Our Sunday Visitor. Today, that book presents a new interpretation of Our Lady of Guadalupe by delving into the past ahead of her feast day on Dec. 12. “ Guadalupe and the Flower World Prophecy: How God Prepared the Americas for Conversion Before the Lady Appeared ,” published on Nov. 21, explores how Our Lady’s encounters with Juan Diego at Tepeyac Hill in Mexico in 1531 marked the culmination of thousands of years of evangelical preparation of the people of Mesoamerica.

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