Our faith community welcomes you, and your family.
Join us to worship, pray and learn.
Our goal is to serve you through this medium. We want it to make it as easy and straightforward for you. Here are the following helpful links.
Office Hours
Parish Office Monday—Thursday 9:00am—3:30pm
Religious Education Friday 9:00am-1:00pm, Saturday and Sunday 10:00am-2:00pm.
Saturday - 5:00pm English | 6:30pm Spanish
Sunday - 7:30am Spanish| 9:30am English | 11:00am Spanish | 1:00pm Spanish
Daily in English -
Monday to Friday at 11:00am except Tuesdays at 9:00am
In Spanish - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday | 6:00pm Spanish
Confessions |Monday and Tuesday 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Rosary |25 minutes before each English and Spanish Masses. (Weekdays and weekends)
Exposition of the Holy Sacrament - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 11:30am - 5:45pm
April 1st, - Lenten Penance Service at 6:00pm
Station of the Cross - Prayer of The Station of the Cross All Fridays of Lent
5:30pm English and 7:00pm Spanish
Soup, 6:15 at the Gym
Monday and Tuesday 3:30pm
Manday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 11:00am
Tuesday 9:00am
Saturday 5:00pm
Sunday 9:30am
Manday, Tuesday and Wednesday 6:00pm
Saturday 6:30pm
Sunday 7:30am, 11:00am, 1:00pm
Every first Friday of the month
There are no breakfasts at the moment.
Once a week:
Thursday 6pm or Saturday 9:30 am